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FPGA Frontrunner: FPGA Technology and Methodology Roadmaps

The FPGA Front runners is all about bringing together the FPGA & ASIC design communities to discuss all things FPGA, to share knowledge, find out what is going on and network with like minded people.

This event is hosted at a member site, thus allowing us more space for networking. There will be a mini expo with members promoting their products and services to the group. A site tour will be arranged.

We are also inviting students from across the UK to the event, to bring them closer to the community, for them to understand about the world of FPGAs and meet our members who are actively seeking graduates.

Everyone is welcome, come along and get involved in what is becoming a vibrant community for FPGA & ASIC design engineers.


We are happy to announce our speakers :

  • Flemming Christensen, Sundance
  • Harald J Werner, Efinix
  • Ian Pearson, Microchip
  • Dirk Koch, University of Manchester
  • David Clift, Aldec (FirstEDA)

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Harald Werner

EMEA Senior Sales Director and Managing Director
Efinix Inc.

28 years experience in the FPGA market in technical and Sales management position. 5 years at Actel as FAE, 20 years in Technical and Sales management position at Lattice semiconductor, 4 years in management position and managing director at Efinix GmbH

Ian Pearson

Principle Embedded Solutions Engineer
Microchip Technology Inc.

Ian has held roles in MCU and MPU applications and also led the EU Wireless team for many years introducing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth into the embedded product lines. He has been involved with IoT since it’s inception and is an advocate of enhancing security in Connected Embedded Systems. To aid this he is active on several working groups in the IoT Security Foundation and has presented on security topics at several conferences. More recently he has returned to the FPGA space and supports Microchip clients on FPGA, SoC and Security needs across multiple market segments.

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