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FPGA Frontrunner Meet & Greet

Requirements Driven Development and Verification and the implications for Safety

The FPGA Front Runners event will be hosted by Renishaw at their venue in Wotton-under-Edge.

The event will focus on “Requirements Driven Development and Verification and the implications for Safety”.

If you are interested in speaking at this event please email [email protected]

Topics for talks:

  • How to capture and verify requirements
  • Spec creep and implementation changes
  • How to verify and ensure these are correctly addressed
  • Verification as a review of the system
  • Implications for safety


08:45 Arrival and Registration
09.30 Pete Leonard – Overview of Renishaw
10:00 Renishaw Engineering Talk
10:30 Jon Wright
11:00 Stewart Edmondson & Steve Drew
11:15 Break
11:45 Puneet Goel
12:15 Diarmuid Maguire
12:45 Jim Lewis
13:15 Nick Tudor
13:45 Closing remarks
13:50 Buffet Lunch
14:30 Access to demo area and Q&A


Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd

Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd. was established in 1989. Our strategy is to produce a comprehensive range of well engineered products for the high-performance embedded processing market for Robotics, Vision, Motion and Sensor applications.

Their first products were designed for the parallel processing market. The product portfolio included PC add-in boards and modules. Sundance rapidly developed and built a wide range of processor modules and boards on industry standard form-factors, like PC/104, PXIe, FMC and OpenVPX. The range included many special purpose modules and allowed Sundance to act as a ‘one-stop’ shop for system designers and manufacturers.

Today, the Sundance product range includes modular systems based on the Texas Instruments KeyStone range of multicore DSPs, as well as the Xilinx Zynq multicore SoCs and Xilinx’s Series-7 FPGAs.



NanoES is unique in the industry in offering a range of solutions to customers looking for electronic manufacturing solutions, electronic design capability or test solutions. By working with approved and vetted third party companies, NanoES is able to identify the right partner for your products, managing the whole process for you.

​Having worked for a number of electronic manufacturing companies, it’s clear that a large percentage of business is done with the customer never actually visiting the factory. Even with all transactions being done via email. But what happens if this process breaks down?

NanoES bridges this gap, by representing the suppliers directly, we are able to link the customer to the supplier, by finding the best solution and using trusted partners. NanoES manages the process for you, leaving you the time to get on with more important business.



Nick Tudor, CEO of D-RisQ Ltd.

Following a full career as RAF Officer Engineer, Nick has been working in software and high integrity systems for the past 2 decades. As co-Founder of D-RisQ, he has worked in multiple sectors including aerospace, defence, automotive, rail, autonomous systems in air, land, sea, nuclear decommissioning and cyber-security. He is one of only 3 UK nationals on the invite only panel for DO-178C advice and conducts audit and training in DO-178C and DO-254. D-RisQ is close to achieving the aim of being able to fully automatically formally verify from system requirements through to the binary using easily accessible tools and hence changing the way the world does software..

Presentation: In Silico AI

When we undertake a task as humans, we instinctively know how to undertake such a task (having had suitable experience and training). In order for a computer to do the same thing typically requires considerable computational power, especially memory, as well as time, as the approach requires a sift through various combinations of actions to check whether a task is feasible and then to come up with a plan. Often the techniques try to optimise the plan requiring more time and resources. Having the ability to plan and to replan when something in the environment changes in real time without human intervention would be extremely useful.

Stewart Edmondson, CEO of  UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF)

Stewart Edmondson has been the CEO of the UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF) since 2015.  The purpose of the UKESF is to tackle the Electronics’ sector skills shortage in a coherent way. Their aim is to: “encourage more young people to study Electronics and to pursue engineering careers in the technology sector”.  Stewart has a degree in Electronics and is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering & Technology.  He served for 24 years as an engineering officer in the Royal Air Force.  He is currently a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor at Aston University.

Presentation: – UKESF’s current work and future initiatives

The recently published National Semiconductor Strategy stated that “skills are a fundamental building block underpinning the semiconductor sector at every stage. However, from our engagement with industry it is clear that the UK needs to do more to sustain and grow the pipeline of talent available so that the sector has the people it needs to scale up” and that there was a need for “industry-led learning to ensure a robust pipeline of talent that meets their needs”. The presentation will update the audience on the UKESF’s current work and future initiatives, in response.

Steve Drew, Owner of Nano Electronic Services Ltd.

Steve has been working in the electronics industry for over 30 years, promoting and selling semiconductors as well as design , kitting and contract electronic manufacturing solutions. A knowledgeable and approachable industry veteran. Now running his own successful manufacturing agency, helping customers with manufacturing challenges. Still keen to connect industry and academia and encourage the next generation through.

Presentation: Promoting Soldering & Manual Skills to Students

Working alongside the IPC and Advanced Rework Technology, Nano is involved in developing a series of roadshows to tour the UK to look to connect students and teenagers to the world of engineering. Focussing on soldering and electronics related manual skills to show youngsters there are alternative careers to be had in electronics

Diarmuid Maguire, Principal Engineer at Cambridge Consultants.

Diarmuid Maguire is a Principal Engineer, responsible for FPGA / ASIC development at Cambridge Consultants, having joined in 2015. Diarmuid specialises in the implementation and verification of signal processing algorithms in RTL. During his time at Cambridge Consultants, he has supported many international clients in their challenging FPGA & ASIC developments and has worked on verification and emulation of digital ASIC designs, implementations of low power audio co-processors and beamforming and measurement systems for telecoms applications.

Presentation: Developing ASIC quality and scale designs within FPGA timescales

The talk will focus on Cambridge Consultants’ experience producing ASIC quality and scale designs within FPGA timescales. It explores how different verification techniques allows for faster verification coverage of FPGA designs, while still maintaining high confidence of meeting the requirements.

Jim Lewis, Expert VHDL Trainer at SynthWorks Design Inc.

Jim Lewis is an innovator and leader in the VHDL community. He has 30 plus years of design and teaching experience. He is the Chair of the IEEE 1076 VHDL Standards Working Group. He is a co-founder of the Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology (OSVVM) and the chief architect of the packages and methodology. He is an expert VHDL trainer for SynthWorks Design Inc. In his design practice, he has created designs for print servers, IMA E1/T1 networking, fighter jets, video phones, and space craft. Whether teaching, developing OSVVM, consulting on VHDL design and verification projects, or working on the IEEE VHDL standard, Mr Lewis brings a deep understanding of VHDL to architect solutions that solve difficult problems in simple ways.

Presentation: OSVVM in a Nutshell

OSVVM is an advanced verification methodology that defines a VHDL verification framework, verification utility library, verification component library, scripting API, and co-simulation capability that simplifies your FPGA or ASIC verification project from start to finish. Using these libraries you can create a readable, powerful, and concise testbench that will boost productivity for either low level block tests (unit tests) or complex FPGA and ASIC tests.

Puneet Goel, CTO at Coverify Systems Technology

Puneet Goel is the co-founder and CTO at Coverify, where he is crafting opensource tools, libraries, and VIPs for Hardware Verification. Currently,Puneet is leading the hardware verification team at IncoreSemi to create verification solutions for Incore’s state-of-the-art RISC-V processors. Puneet has over twenty-seven years experience in the VLSI industry. He was an early adapter of SystemVerilog. He has also participated as a member of the IEEE technical committee for SystemC standard. He has multiple DVCon publications and a couple of patents to his credit.

Presentation: Co-verification of SoCFPGA Designs

Verification of hardware modules on an SoCFPGA based systems presents a unique chanllenge since the hardware modules mapped on the Progmmable Logic (FPGA Core) is tightly integrated with systems software that runs on the Hard Processor System (Embedded Processor). Embedded UVM (eUVM) is an opensource implementation of the IEEE 1800.2 Universal Verification Methodology standard that compiles natively to executable binaries that can be run on embedded processors enabling a novel hardware software cosimulation technique. During hardware design, eUVM integrates seamlessly with Verilog, VHDL,SystemC as well as with Qemu based emulators. The same eUVM stimulus generators can later be seamlessly integrated on the SoCFPGA processor, to facillitate validation of the hardware modules deployed on an SoCFPGA platform.

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